Category: OS Functionality
Price: Free
Gotta-have-it factor: 2Developer: Faruq Rasid
I just read about a new Android application that was supposed to solve one of my big problems with Android: difficulty with changing commons settings while an application is open. QuickDesk is an application that claims to solve that problem.
A quick note, QuickDesk is created by the same person who developed the HelixLauncher home replacement apps, which I love. I always found the HelixLauncher home replacement to be fast and lightweight. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same thing about QuickDesk. Here is a quote from QuickDesk’s market page, which describes what it is supposed to accomplish:
“Ever went into Browser and realized you haven’t turned on your WiFi? Ever wanted to skip tracks while playing Jewels?
Now you can. Here comes the new app that help[s] you better multi-task: QuickDesk.”
QuickDesk allows the user to bring up an alternate homescreen with widgets or shortcuts selected by the user by simply double-pressing the homescreen menu button, or long-pressing the search button. The functionality that QuickDesk provides is already the reason I have the Bar Control application installed on my phone. The only problem I found with QuickDesk is that is severely slowed down my transition from an application to my normal homescreen. Once I uninstalled QuickDesk, the snap returned to my Droid (if you know what I mean).
Keep in mind that I am using an overclocked MotoDroid running BuglessBeast, so my experience may be different from somebody running a stock Droid, Nexus One, or any other Android device for that matter.
However, for my purposes, I can’t have an application on my device that slows me down. Remember that QuickDesk is currently in BETA, so hopefully future versions of QuickDesk resolve this issue, because otherwise, I think this application has huge potential. But for now, I’m giving it a “2” on the gotta-have-it scale.
Let me know in the comments if you have a different experience with the QuickDesk application.