
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Top Twitter Feeds to Follow in 2011 for Android Users

So, you just signed up for Twitter and you're looking to find some cool Twitter feeds to follow for Android news. Well, fortunately for you, I've done my best to sort through the many Android-related Twitter feeds and I've found a few worth recommending. So here's the roundup:

Engadget Mobile (@engadgetmobile) - If you love mobile phone news, you're probably already following Engadget Mobile by now, but I had to include it in here because Engadget is one of the behemoths of the tech/gadget newsblog world. If there's important Android-related news out there, Engadget Mobile probably has a post on it.

Kevin Purdy (@kevinpurdy) - Kevin Purdy often contributes to Lifehacker, and many of the Android-related posts you find on Lifehacker were written by him. On of my favorite Lifehacker articles on Android is the Lifehacker Pack for Android: Our List of the Best Android Apps. It's a must-read for all new Android users. I like to go to the source of the information, which is why I follow Kevin Purdy.

Droid Life (@droid_life) -

P3Droid (@P3Droid) - If you are a Motorola device owner (Droid O.G., Droid X, or Droid 2), you will probably want to follow P3Droid. He is consistently the guy who is able to obtain leaked updates before anybody else. I believe he also runs the MyDroidWorld site (see below).

MyDroidWorld (@MyDroidWorld) -

Cyanogen (@cyanogen) - Cyanogen is the lead developer of what is probably the most popular ROM on rooted Android phones - CyanogenMod. Cyanogen has a team of developers who help him put together a very nice ROM with many functions you can't find in stock Android, which is the reason many of us rooted our phones in the first place, right?  Cyanogen is also very active on Twitter and replies to nearly every mention or DM you send him.

Peter Alfonso (@PeterAlfonso) - Peter Alfonso (aka Pete) is well known in the Droid developer community as the creator of the BuglessBeast ROMs. If you own a Droid and you are rooted, you definitely need to be following Pete.

A great and useful recovery for those rooted users.

Lifehacker (@Lifehacker) - Another site that doesn't tweet about Android very often, but when it does, the posts are often well written and very helpful.

Gizmodo (@Gizmodo) - This is a general technology blog, which you probably already know, but there are times when Gizmodo tweets Android-related news.

Boy Genius Report (@BGR) - Another general phone blog. Boy Genius Report is known for leaking photos and info on unreleased phones.

Android Central (@androidcentral)
A well established blog that frequently posts updates and tips on the Twitter feed.  A lot of it up to the minute.  You won't feel left out of the loop with this feed.

Android Guys (@AndroidGuys)

The Android Project (@Android_Project) - Of course I had to put in a shameless plug for our own Twitter feed! I have taken a vow not to overtweet.

Complete Guides (@icompleteme) - This is a handy feed where quick Android tips are published often.

Google (@google) - This one is pretty self-explanatory. Google created Android = follow @google.


If you have any other suggestions for Android-related Twitter feeds that you follow, let us know in the Comments!

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