
Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Android Project Reviews: Inserty app for Android

Category: Text Entry
Price: Free
Gotta-have-it factor: 7

While I am torn about this application’s name (“Inserty” could be a cute name for a data entry application, or the name of a porno superhero), I am certain that I will keep Inserty on my phone.

The Inserty application for Android allows you to insert pre-defined text entries into any text box, like e-mails, text messages, etc. There is one additional step above the standard installation process to set-up Inserty. Once it is installed on the phone, the user must access the phone’s Language & Keyboard setting and select Inserty as a text input method. After that, you can open up Inserty from the application menu to add whatever words or phrases you use the most. Inserty provides you with about 10 selections that are based on your GPS location or time, such as “The time is 8:55 AM and I’m standing at 408 Hope Pl.” I don’t think I’ll ever use any of Inserty’s selections, but I have entered some of my own. To bring up the Inserty menu, all you have to do is long-press any data entry box on screen and select “Input Method,” followed by “Inserty.” You can then select the text you want Inserty to enter for you and then switch back to “Android Keyboard” once you are done.

What I like most about Inserty is that it allows me to avoid using the horrible on-screen keyboard of my Droid. I don’t always want to slide out the keyboard to enter in text, especially when it’s just to enter in my e-mail address to log into a website. I know that this probably isn’t the most secure thing to do, but I’ve saved my userid and passwords for most websites into Inserty, so I can quickly insert the text without having to peck away at the on-screen keyboard.

I realize that Inserty is only useful in limited situations, and some of you may not have a problem with your onscreen keyboard. But Inserty has saved me a lot of frustration, and for that, I give it a “7” on the gotta-have-it scale.

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